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Category: Uncategorized

Will LASIK Work for Me?


For many, the thought of anyone or anything touching their eyes induces anxiety or at least some degree of uncomfortableness. With the image of a laser pointed directly into your eye with your cornea being flapped back, patients may wonder “will LASIK work for me?” The reality is that not everyone is an ideal candidate…

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Happy woman in a big city with traffic

Can You Prevent from Getting Cataracts?


Most cataracts develop due to the natural aging process or from an eye injury. Inherited genetic disorders, eye health conditions and medications such as long-term use of steroid medications can also lead to cataract development. Cataracts form when protein builds up in the lens keeping light from passing through the eye resulting in cloudy vision….

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Woman wearing glasses

What Will Happen if Cataracts are Left Untreated?


Cataracts form when protein builds up over the lens of a normally clear eye causing cloudiness or blurry vision. Light passes through the lens located behind the iris (colored part of the eye) sending a signal to your brain of the image you are trying to see. When cataracts cover the lens, the image is…

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Closeup of an Eye

What is the Main Cause of a Cataract?


Many eye diseases not only progress with age, but age is often the root cause behind the onset of serious eye conditions, including cataracts. The main cause of a cataract is due to age with 90% of people developing a cataract by age 65. Other cataract risk factors that may speed up cataract development include…

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Man having his eye examined

LASIK For Nearsightedness


Seeing clearly has never been easier. Go beyond prescription glasses and contacts with LASIK, the most common vision correction procedure that provides you with nearly perfect vision in less than 30 minutes. If you are among the 40% of Americans diagnosed with myopia, LASIK for nearsightedness is a great option for you.  LASIK has been…

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Woman with her arm over head under a plant

Does LASIK fix lazy eyes?


LASIK is a popular surgical treatment for common eye problems, helping patients go from blurry vision to (near) perfect eyesight again. Does LASIK fix lazy eyes? LASIK has been around for decades and is used to correct refractive errors of the eye. These errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, are caused by an irregular…

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Serious man in thought

Does LASIK fix lazy eyes?


LASIK is a popular surgical treatment for common eye problems, helping patients go from blurry vision to (near) perfect eyesight again. Does LASIK fix lazy eyes? LASIK has been around for decades and is used to correct refractive errors of the eye. These errors, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism, are caused by an irregular…

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Happy woman leaning on a car

What is a LASIK flap?


LASIK surgery is a procedure to correct physical abnormalities of the eye that cause nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. LASIK surgery is performed with a laser instead of traditional surgical tools, but to do so still requires access to the cornea. What is a LASIK flap? The pupil is the black aperture at the center of…

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Woman sitting on the floor working on a laptop

LASIK Eye Surgery Candidate


If you have worn glasses or contact lenses for any length of time, you have likely considered LASIK eye surgery. The ease of seeing clearly without wiping off smudges, replacing lenses or making sure you do not accidentally break frames or run out of contact solution, drives more and more people to research whether they…

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Scheduling Now: Dr. Inna Bondira, D.O.